This is for a half hour swim class twice a week, and it is not free:
Thank you for your time.
Can you please enter in another course that is in the right time frame for a 3rd choice?
This is like completing a college schedule for your advisor or something, what happened to the good old days of swim lessons at the neighborhood pool?
I guess I will cross my fingers and do a voodoo dance that there is space for my son.
From: Fujii, Tyler
Sent: Thursday, March 27, 2014 12:13 PM
To: Kay
Cc: Bobbett, Jesse
Subject: RE: Spring Swim Lesson 2014 Lottery Registration Form
Hello Kay,
Your group swim form has been processed and you have been entered into the lottery (see attached). If selected, you should be receiving a call or email sometime next week.
The only issue I saw with the request was your 3rd choice. Course #13448 (Dolphins) is a second session class. Lottery forms for all second session classes will only be accepted from April 21 - May 5.
Please let me know if you have any questions,
Tyler Fujii
Recreation Leader
From: Bobbett, Jesse
Sent: Thursday, March 27, 2014 5:46 AM
To: Fujii, Tyler
Subject: Fwd: Spring Swim Lesson 2014 Lottery Registration Form
Will you please process this?
Jesse Bobbett
Recreation Supervisor - Sports
City of El Segundo
Phone: (310) 524-2702
E-Mail: [email protected]
Begin forwarded message:
From: "Kay 2"
To: "Bobbett, Jesse"
Subject: RE: Spring Swim Lesson 2014 Lottery Registration Form
I attached the filled out form, if you need me to drop it off in person let me know.
From: JBobbett
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